When it comes to potty training your toddler, does having a boy or a girl affect your approach? Health visitor Kate Daymond thinks there really is a gender divide.
Why is potty training different for boys and girls?
Boys tend to be ready for potty training at two-and-a-half to three years old, while girls are ready around age two. This is because:
The development of the nerves that control the muscles needed to hold on to a wee, or know when to do a poo, is directly related to a toddler's readiness for potty training. Boys' nerve connections appear to occur later than girls' do.
Boys have to get used to two methods of going to the loo: sitting and standing. Whereas girls just have to learn to sit.
Main carers of small children tend to be female, and this might help to make girls more open to the idea of potty training and using the loo. After all, they've got the perfect role models right there!
Is my toddler ready?
The most important thing is to wait until your toddler is really ready. The key signs to look out are:
showing an interest in the loo or potty
noticing when you're going to the loo
knowing when a wee or poo is on its way
having the words for wee and poo
having long periods with a dry nappy.
What equipment do I need?
Potties Two if possible, one for the sitting room and one for the bathroom, because a potty needs to be within easy reach!
Toddler-sized toilet seat adaptor Very handy once your little one is ready for the loo, especially for those who fear falling in (a common worry!).
Step stool Having somewhere secure to rest the feet is a confidence booster for tots.
Portable toddler loo seat (or portable potty) Useful away from home, but not essential.
Toddler toilet wipes Preferably flushable ones, as this can be a messy old business…
How can I motivate my toddler?
Girls may be happy to sit on the potty, but some boys find it hard to stay still. So to get your tot onside.
give loads of praise and attention, and don't get stressed or cross when the inevitable accidents happen
share stories or sing songs while your tot 'sits'
pop a sticker chart next to the loo to motivate your toddler. When the chart's full, give a little treat such as a trip to the swimming pool.
Tips for boys
- Most boys start by sitting down, but many like to copy Daddy and wee standing up after a bit. So show your toddler how to point his willy down to avoid spraying the room, whether he's sitting or standing.
- Pop a piece of loo roll, or even a single Shreddie, in the loo water for him to aim at. Add blue food dye to the toilet bowl – it'll turn green when he wees on it. Or add shampoo to the loo water to make bubbles!
Tips For Girls
- Girls are particularly prone to urinary infections, so they need to learn to wipe from front to back. This can be tricky at first, so teach your daughter to dab herself at the front only to start with.
- Avoid clingy tights that are difficult to get off in a hurry. Stick to trousers (with an elasticated waistband), dresses and skirts, plus socks, for ease.
Poo and wee is easy for a baby in nappies. They just fill the nappy when they like, safe in the knowledge it'll be cleaned up soon and a nice new nappy will follow.
To take the step of using a potty or toilet, children have to be able to control their bladder and bowel. Most children seem to be able to control the urge for a poo earlier than the need to urinate.
Potty training usually begins at around 18-24 months but babies don't work to any exact development timetable. The child continence charity ERIC says some may be nearer three years old before they're ready. Girls are often faster to use the potty than boys.
The decision to start potty training is important to get right so the child is comfortable with the process and parents and carers are ready to deal with little accidents.
Parenting experts often say summer is a good time to start when there are fewer clothes to take off and washing and drying may be easier.
Avoid times when there are other changes in a child's life, such as moving home.
Child milestones happen in different children at different times, and some may be earlier or later than others in steps like potty training. Being late to use the potty is not a sign of developmental delays. Equally, children who reach other steps early, such as walking or talking may not be ahead of the curve when it comes to toilet time.
Signs a child is ready for potty training
Your toddler may start to give clues that the time is right for potty training. Telling you they have a dirty nappy shows the start of understanding what's going on with the bladder and bowel. Better still, they may let you know when they are having a poo or wee or that they're going to do either before it happens.
Modern disposable nappies are so effective at dealing with moisture, some children may be less aware that they've even had a wee. Some experts suggest introducing a non-absorbent liner - or pants - underneath before potty training to ensure the sensation of having a wee is understood.
A gap of around an hour to two hours between nappy wetting is also a good sign.
Starting potty training
This milestone is not one to rush or get stressed about. Take things slowly, letting the child see the potty, where it will be kept, and form an understanding of what it is for in advance of using it. Try to make it fun. Some experts recommend reading books, rhymes and singing songs about potties and letting the child help pick the potty or putting favourite character stickers on the potty.
Having older children around who use a potty or toilet can give clues to younger ones about all the steps needed: pants down, sit down, use the potty, bottom wiping, stand up, pants up, hand washing.
Letting children see you use the toilet may also help.
Understanding the language around bladder and bowel habits is important for a child. Your family may already have names for these. Is it poo or numbers twos? Is it pee or wee? Make a choice you are happy with and be consistent.
Most children love to talk about wee and poo. Use simple phrases like "Do you need a wee or poo?" and "Where's your potty?"
Some children may fill their nappy an regular times, such as after breakfast. This type of routine can give a head start on potty training. The nappy can be left off, and the child encouraged to use the potty instead.
If they don't take to it straight away or seem upset by the idea, go back to nappies and try again another time. A gap of a few weeks may be helpful.
Praising a child who is successful in using the potty is important, but a balance to make sure too much fuss isn?t made of it. Rewards such as sweets are seen as a bad idea for potty success. It is better to help them understand what a 'big' or 'clever' boy or girl they are.
Opinion is mixed about whether children should go straight from nappies to pants, or whether they need training pants which can be pulled up and down.
Potty problems
If you're lucky, the child will enjoy their new potty skills and be happy to leave nappies behind. Some children may be more resistant to the change than others, but it shouldn't become a battle of wills between a potty resistant child and a frustrated parent.
Going back to nappies for a while can ease the pressure, but start-stop potty training too often can confuse a child.
Accidents will happen, but be understanding as you clear up the mess. Be reassuring to the child without making it too much of an issue or make them feel they've done something bad.
Make sure there's a common approach to potty time with all the child's carers.
Children who seem to have taken to the potty may start having accidents later on. These can be due to emotional upsets such as change of routine. Other reasons can be medical, such as constipation, bladder infections or threadworms.
Some children may need extra help, especially if they haven't got the hang of it before they're about to start school or pre-school. Children with learning disabilities may also need extra help adjusting.
Other parents you know may have potty training tips, as may health visitors or GPs
Next steps
Once using the potty is achieved, it is time to step up to the toilet, literally. Special steps can help a child reach the toilet and be able to rest their feet on while using it. Special secure but removable child toilet seats are available.
Some parents choose to skip the potty and go straight to the toilet. The NCT says there are pros and cons. It may be more convenient, but children need help stepping up to the toilet and may be scared of the flush.
Even though boys will eventually stand up for a wee, experts suggest sitting down for a wee to start with. Once they progress to standing up for the toilet, some help with their aim and accuracy may cut down on cleaning-up afterwards. The parenting organisation NCT suggests a game called 'sink the cereal' where some pieces are put in the toilet and the boy challenged to sink them.
Boys may need reminding to sit down for a poo rather than just standing for a wee.
Regular toilet times can be helpful, especially in making sure potty or toilet time isn't rushed. Regular trips to the potty or toilet also help cut down on accidents.
As well as actually using the potty and toilet, wiping and hygiene are essential life skills. To avoid infections, girls need to learn to wipe from front to back and both sexes need to get in the habit of washing their hands properly after the potty or toilet.
Sleeping though the night and staying dry is another step to achieve, and again there are different views about whether night time nappies or pyjama pants are needed. Absorbent mats under the bed sheets can help protect the mattress.
Being able to wee and poo on the potty is a complex process that can’t be rushed – your little one needs to be able to recognise when a wee or poo is coming, to hold on long enough to get to the toilet, to remember where the potty is, and to pull down her pants in time to wee without making a puddle. She will also need to be able to understand simple instructions or she won’t know what is expected of her or how to tell you she wants to go to the toilet.
There are several steps to developing bladder and bowel
Your little one will become aware of having a wet or dirty nappy. This will happen sooner if your toddler is in cloth nappies or the newer type of disposable made especially for toddlers that lets him feel wet before the moisture is drawn into the nappy.
She will realise when she is doing a wee or poo – this usually won’t happen before about twenty months at the earliest but can take up to two and a half years or even later for some children. You can help your tot learn the words to tell you that she is doing wees and poos (if you haven’t already) as you change her nappy.
He can tell you before he needs to go. On average, toddlers reach this stage between two and three years.
She can control her urges to go so that she is able to ‘hold on’ until she gets to the toilet. This tends to happen from about three years onwards.
As well as being physically ready to control their bladder and bowels, your child needs to be emotionally ready for toilet learning: regressive stages are normal for toddlers as they work out their place in an ever-changing world and how much they can control it (or not). This can make some little ones want to cling to the security of things they feel comfortable with, and that can include nappies.
If you feel worried that your child is lagging behind, please be reassured that this isn’t a reflection of your child’s intelligence or a sign that he is lazy or dirty, any more than it is due to neglect on your part. Toilet readiness is linked to nervous system development and how your child receives and interprets his body’s messages. While most children show signs that they are ready for toilet learning by the age of three, at least 15 per cent aren’t ready by that age and a small number haven’t mastered the process by the age of four years.
Your child is generally physically and emotionally ready for toilet learning when:
He asserts his independence in other areas by telling you, ‘Me do it!’ and ‘All by myself!
She can pull her pants up and down.
He can sit on a potty without help.
She knows what ‘wee’ and ‘poo’ are and can tell you.
He is curious about what you are doing in the loo (yes, you need to talk about wees and poos, too!)
Her nappy is dry for longer periods (at least two hours), showing that she has a good bladder capacity and is developing control.
She can follow simple instructions – so she can understand what you want her to do
He is aware of ‘weeing’ and ‘pooing’. Some little ones get a faraway look as they stop what they are doing to fill their pants; others may wander off into a corner to poo as though they need a little privacy to concentrate.
She may tell you that her nappy is dirty or wet after she has finished and wants it changed
Then (the final step in readiness), when she is aware that she is about to wee or poo before it happens, you can explain to her that she can use the potty instead of a nappy.
Even if your toddler is showing signs that he is ready to be encouraged out of nappies, please be mindful that if he is out of sorts or is experiencing a major upheaval, it is best for you as
well as your child to wait a little longer.
If you have waited until your child is ready, teaching him to use the potty is really quite simple, in theory at least. There will be setbacks along the way (so take wipes and clean clothes when you go out with your newly ‘trained’ toddler), but if you take the approach that potty learning is a bit like any other stage of development, you will get things into a better perspective when you have a puddle (or worse). After all, when he learnt to walk, you didn’t expect your child to do this without an occasional trip or fall. And you didn’t scold him if he fell over, did you? Your toddler isn’t being naughty if he wets his pants after managing a few dry days, so relax and try to see toilet learning in a similar light.
Remember, it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. Meanwhile try these toddler tactics to encourage fuss-free toileting:
When your toddler is able to tell you he is wetting or soiling his nappy, suggest, ‘You can wee or poo on the potty or toilet, if you have a child seat), like Mummy and Daddy.’ You might even like to take him to help you choose a potty. Be sure to leave the potty where he has easy access to it and you can keep an eye on him – perhaps in the bathroom with the door open or in the playroom. And dress your toddler in clothes that are easy to remove.
Buy your little one some fabulous undies – show them to her and tell her that when she can pee in the toilet she will be really big, then she can wear knickers just like Mummy or her big siblings (and whoever else seems impressive to her, but please don’t shame her by comparing her to her peers). Then, put the undies in the cupboard (there is no pressure) until she decides she wants to try going to the toilet
Some parents find it helps to show their child what to do by using a peeing doll or favourite toy to demonstrate; others simply let their child follow them around – they will anyway, so you may as well make the most of this and tell them what you are doing on the toilet.
You may be happy to clear your diary and stay close to home as you make a concerted, consistent effort at encouraging toilet skills for a week or two, or the very thought of being stuck at home could send you potty yourself. If staying home and totally focusing isn’t your style, you have to keep to a schedule for older children, or you work all week outside the home, you can take a slightly slower approach by having the potty around (even perhaps taking it out with you) and waiting for your child to lead the way.
If your child is in childcare, discuss what you are doing regarding toilet learning with his carers. They may even have a few good practical tips for you. After all, they will
have been through this with lots of other children
Potty training is a big step for kids and parents alike. The secret to success? Patience — perhaps more patience than you ever imagined.
Is it time?
Potty-training success hinges on physical and emotional readiness, not a specific age. Many kids show interest in potty training by age 2, but others might not be ready until age 2 1/2 or even older — and there's no rush. If you start potty training too early, it might take longer to train your child.
Is your child ready? Ask yourself these questions:
Does your child seem interested in the potty chair or toilet, or in wearing underwear?
Can your child understand and follow basic directions?
Does your child tell you through words, facial expressions or posture when he or she needs to go?v
Does your child stay dry for periods of two hours or longer during the day?
Does your child complain about wet or dirty diapers?
Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up again?
Can your child sit on and rise from a potty chair?
If you answered mostly yes, your child might be ready for potty training. If you answered mostly no, you might want to wait awhile — especially if your child has recently faced or is about to face a major change, such as a move or the arrival of a new sibling. A toddler who opposes potty training today might be open to the idea in a few months.
There's no need to postpone potty training if your child has a chronic medical condition but is able to use the toilet normally. Be aware that the process might take longer, however
Ready, set, go!
When you decide it's time to begin potty training, set your child up for success. Start by maintaining a sense of humor and a positive attitude — and recruiting all of your child's caregivers to do the same. Then follow these practical steps.
Pull out the equipment
Place a potty chair in the bathroom. You might want to try a model with a removable top that can be placed directly on the toilet when your child is ready. Encourage your child to sit on the potty chair — with or without a diaper. Make sure your child's feet rest firmly on the floor or a stool. Help your child understand how to talk about the bathroom using simple, correct terms. You might dump the contents of a dirty diaper into the potty chair to show its purpose, or let your child see family members using the toilet.
Schedule potty breaks
If your child is interested, have him or her sit on the potty chair or toilet without a diaper for a few minutes several times a day. For boys, it's often best to master urination sitting down, and then move to standing up after bowel training is complete. Read a potty-training book or give your child a special toy to use while sitting on the potty chair or toilet. Stay with your child when he or she is in the bathroom. Even if your child simply sits there, offer praise for trying — and remind your child that he or she can try again later.
Get there — fast!
When you notice signs that your child might need to use the toilet — such as squirming, squatting or holding the genital area — respond quickly. Help your child become familiar with these signals, stop what he or she is doing and head to the toilet. Praise your child for telling you when he or she has to go. Teach girls to wipe carefully from front to back to prevent bringing germs from the rectum to the vagina or bladder. When it's time to flush, let your child do the honors. Make sure your child washes his or her hands after using the toilet.
Consider incentives
Some kids respond to stickers or stars on a chart. For others, trips to the park or extra bedtime stories are effective. Experiment to find what works best for your child. Reinforce your child's effort with verbal praise, such as, "How exciting! You're learning to use the toilet just like big kids do!" Be positive even if a trip to the toilet isn't successful.
Ditch the diapers
After several weeks of successful potty breaks, your child might be ready to trade diapers for training pants or regular underwear. Celebrate this transition. Go on a special outing. Let your child select "big kid" underwear. Call close friends or loved ones and let your child spread the news. Once your child is wearing training pants or regular underwear, avoid overalls, belts, leotards or other items that could hinder quick undressing.
Sleep soundly
Most children master daytime bladder control first, often within about two to three months of consistent toilet training. Nap and nighttime training might take months — or years — longer. In the meantime, use disposable training pants or plastic mattress covers when your child sleeps.
Know when to call it quits
If your child resists using the potty chair or toilet or isn't getting the hang of it within a few weeks, take a break. Chances are he or she isn't ready yet. Try again in a few months.
Potty training should be a natural step in a child's growth to independence, and with these helpful tips from Earth's Best, it will no longer be a source of anxiety for parents or children. There has to be a certain degree of maturation of the neurological and muscular system for training to be successful, so please ensure your child is ready before beginning the potty training process. The following are some tips for successful potty training:
First and foremost, ensure that your child is physically and emotionally ready for this big step.
Start early. It is often easier to potty train children at a younger age because the have logged less time in diapers.
Around the time your child is ready to begin training, have them dress in loose fitting clothing that can easily be put on or taken off.
Practice naked (diaper-free) time. The more time a child spends out of diapers, the more likely s/he is to recognize the urge to eliminate and seek out a potty.
Try using TOTS Potty Training Pants to avoid any accidents and make the transition from diapers to underwear fell more natural. For cleanup, try TOTS Chlorine Free Flushable Wipes
Help your child learn by example from older siblings or a parent of the same gender.
Use a floor potty. Children fell more secure on a floor potty, and are more likely to be successful. Plus, it's portable and can be accessible to encourage independence.
Make toilet training a fun experience! For boys, place O-shaped cereal in the toilet and have him aim for them. Another fun way to encourage toilet training is to color the toilet water blue and have your little one watch it turn green when mixed with urine.
Encourage pride of mastery. The feeling your child gets when they learn something new is the best motivation for continued success. Say "You did it" instead of "I'm so proud of you". When your child says "I did it!" You're on your way!
vAlways use positive and encouraging words to describe anything associated with toilets, bowel functions and the toilet training process.
Be consistent. Children learn better when the message they get about the potty is consistent. Each person helping your child to use the potty should be doing the same thing.
Teach girls to always wipe from front to back.
Above all, be patient! With plenty of time, encouragement and positive feedback, your little one will soon be ready to say goodbye to diapers forever!
If you're ready to ditch your toddler's diapers for good, the best time to start potty training may be between the second and third birthdays.
A new study suggests 27 to 32 months is the ideal window for moving your child out of diapers. Children who were toilet trained after 32 months were more likely to have urge incontinence -- daytime wetting and bed-wetting -- between ages 4 and 12.
And potty training children sooner than 27 months generally doesn't work either, according to background information in the study. Prior research has shown potty training too soon just prolongs the process.
"There are two schools of thought on potty training. One is to try to train the kids very, very early, and another says you should wait until kids are older and demonstrating signs of being ready. But there has never been a study scientifically showing when is the best time," said lead study author Dr. Joseph Barone, chief of urology at Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital in New Brunswick, N.J. "This study gives parents an idea of when it's a good time to train," he said.
Although there are always parents on the playground who brag they trained their child in a day, the study -- published in the December 2009 issue of the Journal of Pediatric Urology -- found timing was more important than technique.
Researchers asked the parents of 157 children ages 4 to 12 who were seen by a doctor for urge incontinence about when they started potty training and which method they used. Their answers were compared to those from the parents of 58 children matched for age, gender, race and other factors who did not have urge incontinence.
The mean age for toilet training of children with urge incontinence was 31.7 months, compared to 28.7 months for children who did not have problems with daytime wetting.
As for technique, parents were given three choices: a child-oriented approach, described as waiting for the child to show signs of readiness before initiating training and then letting the child direct the toilet training process; a parent-oriented approach, described as starting training when the parent was ready and then bringing the child to the toilet at regular, defined intervals, or a combination of the two.
Researchers found no difference in the method of toilet training and the likelihood of having problems with wetting at ages 4 to 12.
Age shouldn't be the deciding factor in beginning potty training, said Peter Stavinoha, author of the book "Stress-Free Potty Training" and a clinical neuropsychologist at Children's Medical Center of Dallas.
The key is making sure your child is physically and developmentally ready, Stavinoha said. Although many children will show potty training readiness at about 2 1/2, it can vary, Stavinoha said.
"Many parents approach potty training as something over which they have total control," Stavinoha said. "Parents are a big contributor to their child's development, but they don't really control it. Parents are there to facilitate, to guide, to reinforce and to praise, but parents shouldn't put pressure on themselves that if they do a series of steps, the children will achieve a certain outcome."
If you feel like you've been changing diapers forever, you're not alone. Over the last few decades, the mean age of potting training has crept up in the United States and other countries, including Brazil, Switzerland and China, the article said. In 1980, the mean age U.S. children were toilet-trained was 26 months. In 2003, it was 36.8 months.
One possible explanation for later potty training is the widespread availability and convenience of disposable diapers, the study authors propose.
Tips to Trouble Free Toilet Training
When you think it's time, Barone and Stavinoha offer these tips for getting kids trained:
Look for signs of readiness. These include showing interest in the potty or toilet; staying dry during naps or for several hours during the day; being able to follow simple directions; being able to pull down their own pants; using words, posture or facial expressions that indicate they have to go.
Make a small potty available in the bathroom. Try doing practice runs when you think your toddler might need to go by having him sit or stand in front of the potty for a few minutes several times a day.
Most likely, your toddler won't actually go, Stavinoha said. But it can help them recognize the urge to go and associate the potty with it.
If your child resists, don't sweat it. Setting up a battle of wills will only make the process unnecessarily difficult on mom and dad. Back off for a few weeks, then try again.
While potty training, avoid asking: "Do you have to go to the potty?" "You're almost guaranteed your child will tell you 'no'," Stavinoha said.
If a child is 4 or 5 and still not staying dry during the day, or if you suspect the reason may have a physical cause, discuss it with the pediatrician, Stavinoha said.
The good news, if you’re starting to potty train your daughter, is that girls tend to master the art of using the potty a lot sooner than boys. By this stage, your daughter should be showing signs of readiness for potty training (if she hasn’t already started.)
For the most part, potty training two year old girls is simple. Buy a potty, and whenever possible, ask her whether she wants to use it. It can be hit and miss, and she might not be interested at first, but with time, you should find that she’s willing to use the potty at least most of the time.
The only real difference between potty training girls and boys at this age is that you need to teach your daughter to wipe from front to back – especially after she has had a bowel movement. This helps to prevent bladder and other infections, and is an important point to remember.
Teaching your daughter to pat the vaginal area, rather than wiping, maybe be simpler at first.
If you suspect that your daughter may have already got a bladder infection, look out for the common signs: a frequent need to urinate, burning when urinating, and even abdominal pain. If she has these symptoms, you will need to speak to your doctor.
You may also notice that your daughter wants to try peeing standing up. She may have seen a boy at school doing this, or even her father. It’s best to let her try – she’ll soon realise that girls just aren’t mechanically equipped for that sort of thing!
This is one toilet training method that is easy to understand and explain briefly and clearly without making you confused! guaranteed quality and has been certified reliable!
Our experts answer your frequently asked questions about potty training your toddler
NCT potty training expert Heather Welford and GP and father of five Chris Henry have solutions for common potty training problems
Does she need to be retrained?
Q My daughter Katie is now over three-and-a-half and still wets herself regularly. I've had enough of being laidback about it. What can I do?
Heather says: If a child continues to have problems with training after the age of three, she might need re-training. Start off with everyone calming down a bit and have a break for a week or so, then start retraining gradually. A successful approach with children this age is often a star chart with rewards, because she can see the benefit. If the day-wetting persists, she may have a urine infection (more common in girls than in boys) so see your GP for a test. If it's clear, take a weekend to retrain her gently, with a sought-after treat if she stays dry all weekend.
She thinks it's a toy
Q I've just started potty training my little girl, Ella, who has just turned two. She seems to be willing and is always taking her nappy off to sit on her potty. So far, though, she hasn't actually done anything in the potty and seems to think it's just a toy. What can I do?
Chris says: It sounds as if you're actually doing rather well, but have just been unlucky. Try to prolong the amount of time your daughter sits on the potty for, particularly when you know she is due to go, by sitting with her when she's on the potty and reading to her, or letting her sit on it in front of the television while her favourite programme is on. You could also try increasing her fluid intake so that she needs to go to the toilet a little more frequently. If you time it right and keep her nappy off so that she doesn't do a sneaky wee in it, you're sure to get some positive results eventually.
He won't use the toilet
Q My four-year-old son will only poo in his trainer pants. Please help.
Heather says: There's no need for a four-year-old to still be doing it in his trainer pants. At four he's both physically and emotionally capable of going to the loo in the right place. However, if he's been constipated in the past, he may be anxious. A little bribery may help him overcome the reluctance, and then it should be straightforward. Offer him a treat when he has successfully used the loo and keep up the rewards with a wall chart and stickers.
She leaves it too late
Q My 28-month-old daughter hates me asking if she needs the loo - I'm sure it puts her off telling me - then she's desperate or has wet herself.
Heather says: Most children dislike being pestered about using the potty. It's normal for children not to know they need to go until it's urgent. Watch your reaction. Your daughter may not be telling you she needs the potty because she's scared you will be cross if it goes wrong.
I think he's constipated
Q My son, Harry, suffers from constipation and is reluctant to use the potty. What can I do to ease this?
Chris says: It really is quite normal for a child to do a poo only every other day, or every third day. The problem doesn't really lie in the frequency, but the consistency. If it's hard to pass, it's more of a problem because the pain can put him off going next time, and this leads, in turn, to even more constipation. If you think this could be your son's problem, ask your GP to prescribe a stool softener, which will help and deter him from hanging on intentionally in the future. You could also try increasing his fluid intake to encourage him to go more often. If you suspect that he is putting off using the potty because he's worried about it hurting, get your GP to check he doesn't have an anal fissure, which can be very painful.
He's scared of the potty
Q My son Jack is 26 months old and seems to be scared of the potty. He won't even go near the toilet. My mum and grandma keep telling me that I should have started him on the potty at five months, then I wouldn't have had all this trouble. Is this true, have I missed the boat?
Heather says: No, you haven't missed the boat, and Jack's refusal to use the potty is most certainly not your fault. While it was common practice to put very small babies on the potty in our mothers' and grandmothers' day, it isn't now. You need to remind your critics that a great deal has changed since they were raising children - not just the nappies and the advent of automatic washing machines, but our entire attitude towards parenting. It's far more independent and liberal than the rigid guidelines our mothers and grandmothers were set and told to stick to in the past. Besides, while they might claim their children were trained by their first birthday, they were merely conditioned to perform, as a reflex action, in response to the feeling of the potty or toilet. The pitfall comes when a two-year-old discovers that he can control that reflex, and chooses not to oblige. No child is properly potty trained until he tells you he needs to go, and goes himself. I've yet to see a one-year-old walk downstairs and get on the toilet.
It may seem difficult when the pressure is on, but you simply need to give it a rest and try again in a few weeks. In the meantime, try to find some friends whose potty trained toddlers will show Jack how it's done, and perhaps offer him a reward if he tries to sit on the potty, however briefly to start with. Remember that success is likely to be much quicker when he does crack it if you've started training him later.
1. Practical potty training girls methodsMake sure that your child is not constipated. This is the most important in getting started. Children’s are afraid of the toilet and the whole process of getting in a cold wet small room. If you are not an expert in knowing about the constipation, get them to a doctor when you see signs of them not eating well or change of mood.
2. Potty training girls Increase the amount of fluid and fiber in their daily diet. Water plays an import role in helping your child staying healthy and helping to digest easily. Give lots of water and encourage with praise when they drink. Fiber enriched food for kids include; Barley, Navy Beans, Baked Beans, Split Peas, Oat Bran, Raspberries, Green Peas, Prunes, Spinach, Broccoli, Raisins, Mixed Vegetables, Strawberries, Carrots, Potatoes, Corn, Rice, Apples, Oranges.
3. Potty training girls Read children's story books about potty training to your child. There are lots of books available for you get online on potty training. Reading and imagination helps the child to relate to the interesting characters and behaviors within the story and helps them follow accordingly. Offer lots of praise when your child does make some progress.
4. Potty training girl# It is not an easy practice but this will help you see results amazingly when you really put in the effort to make your child proud of their achievement. Avoid physical punishment for not using the potty. Stop all reminders about using the toilet. Replace the reminders with the potty training stories you’ve read to your child. This helps as their mind recalls the story and how will keep it in mind when its time
5. Potty training girls Throw away diapers and pull-ups and switching to underwear as soon as you can. Do this as soon as you as possible as this will make the whole process faster. Help them avoid depending on the diapers to ease themselves. A change to underwear will give make them feel grown. Help your child get comfortable with their own potty chair.
6. Potty training girls Let your child spend time with the potty. Give them toys to play with while just sitting on the potty with the diapers on so they get comfortable with it before using. Limit foods that constipate such as rice, bananas, applesauce, cheese and citrus juice. First thing in the morning, take your child to the potty and 30 minutes after a full meal. Read books, tell a story, sing a song or just chat, it helps them to relax. Tell your child to take a few deep breaths while you talk or sing and have them close their eyes. Play relaxing music during potty sits.
7. And do not stress yourself if they don't do well as everything takes time. Try proven products such as Potty Please which is the easiest and most effective potty training methods. watch this and learn how this method proven and guaranteed in 3 days.
When it is time for you to potty training girls, there are no hard and fast, rights or wrongs in the way that you do it. Whatever you do, the end result will always be the same. You want to get your little girl out of nappies and into panties. You can use different approaches but your goal is to get your girl toilet trained. The thrill of success will give you all the encouragement that you need to move onto the next step in their developmental life.
The list of tips below will definitely help you in achieving your aim of missing the baby aisle out on your weekly shopping trip and going straight for the confectionery.
Potty Training Girls# Throw Those Nappies
Whatever anyone says, getting your daughter to give up nappies is going to be easy however, the best thing to do is to throw all the nappies etc in the bin as, getting your girl potty trained, is possibly going to be harder for you than it is for your daughter but, having said that, some training pants can come in handy at this time. As your girl messes up, the discomfort of having an accident herself, will be motivation enough to get her to use the potty. This is when you have to have a lot of patience even if they do mess up. Do not make it a big deal when your girl has an accident. Encourage her and patiently keep your mind focused on your goal of a nappy free life.
Potty Training Girls# Demonstrate
Children are great at copying and, are naturally very inquisitive. Your little girl will get the hang of using the potty or toilet as she watches you using it. Let her go into the toilet with you and, tell her exactly what you are doing. If there are older siblings, she will have more people to learn from, especially if they are girl. Your daughter will have a desire to be considered a big girl so, she will easily copy her big sister.
Potty Training Girls# Include Her As Well
It is important that your daughter is included in this exciting phase as much as possible. She should be asble to pick the cute pink potty or, some panties. She should be more cooperative and eager to use her new gadgets if she has picked them out herself with little or no temper tantrums or, resistance.
Potty Training Girls# Reward, Reward, Reward
You will be surprised at how powerful and simple rewards can be. Your daughter can enjoy a treat every time she goes on the potty in the correct manner. Just using simle things like pretty stickers to decorate her potty or, letting her enjoy her favorite cartoon show or, her favourite snack. Get the entire family involved in praising your daughter for doing a good job. This will only make her want to please you more and, re-enforces the idea of going to the toilet on the potty. Try not to be hard on her when she has an accident.
Potty Training Girls# Keep To A Routine
Children are used to their routine, just like when they were newborns, set a potty training timing routine for your daughter. This will assist to get used to using the potty or toilet. Put her on the potty or the toilet at the same time every day and, as soon as she wakes up, an amount of time after a meal or a drink, before she gets in the bath and so on. By now, you should have a good idea about the time that she usually empties her bowels so, you’ll have a good idea as to when she will need the potty for that.
Potty Training Girls# Keep On Track
Potty training season can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride, one day you may feel that you’ve really made progress and, the next day you think that nothing else could possibly go wrong. Keep on track and don’t forget that goal of a nappy free life. Do not give up or, relax the routine. Talk to other people who have had their kids through the same thing and, take some encouragement from their outcomes. Before you know it, you’ll have your own anecdotes to give to other parents who are potty training their girls.
If you make use of the tips above, you can beat your fears and get started on the path of getting your little girl potty or toilet trained. Just take it all in your stride and before you know it, you’ll be enjoying a nappy free life.
Potty Training Girls# A Proven Alternative
In addition to the tips listed above when you are potty training girls, is to purchase an educational guide called “Start Potty Training – Potty Training In 3 Days” by Lois Kleint.
I was about to pull my hair out trying to potty train my 3 and ½ year old daughter. I made many, many, mistakes before I had my "Ah Ha" moment. Potty training your toddler can be a stress free process if you try to stay positive and do not give up.
You hear all these stories of Russian babies being potty trained at 6 months old and how your mother potty trained you 18 months. So imagine how I felt when my daughter who is 3 and ½ is still not potty trained. I had struggled since her 3rd birthday to get serious about potty training her, but nothing seemed to work.
I decided to take a positive approach to potty-training my daughter. I got rid of the Pull-Ups during the day and had her wear cotton underwear all day.
Once you start, don't look back. Keep going forward. I don't care how hard it gets, keep going, it gets better. I promise you.
Follow Instructions Potty Training Girls age 3
1. Say Good-Bye Pull-Ups
At least during the day, I said good-bye Pull-Ups. I concentrated on potty training during the day. I only put a Pull-Up on her at night. The first day of potty training, I put my daughter in regular cotton underwear all day. She picked out Princess and Dora the Explorer underwear at Target.
The first few days were probably the worst. Every 30 minutes I put her on the potty or I would tell her to go sit on the potty. So the first thing in the morning and right before she goes to bed,and all in between I put her on the potty. It was so exhausting. She did not like to stop playing to use the potty, but pretty soon she was going on her own.Hooray!
2. Create a Potty Chart
I created a potty chart. Every time she did something in the toilet we celebrated with stickers on the potty chart. She would get one sticker on the Potty Chart if she peed and two stickers if she pooped. Rewards really worked.It helped both of us keep track of her progress.
3. The Candy Incentive
I try not to give my daughter a lot of candy because it makes her too hyperactive and its bad for her teeth. But desperate times call for desperate measures. We went to Target and picked out a cute gift bag and filled it with candy. I had her pick out all her favorite candy. So every time she used the potty she got one candy and she got two candies if she pooped. She only got candy during potty training. It really worked.
4. Accidents Are a Good Thing
Believe it or not, accidents are your friend. At first the idea of accidents mortified me. I didn't want to deal with any accidents at all. The first few days the accidents were pretty frequent, but the accidents became less and less over time. Children really start to learn from their accidents. She started to notice when she had to go potty and would run to the bathroom on her own. Pretty soon, I wasn't so paranoid about the accidents anymore. If we had to go out somewhere, I would bring an extra set of clothes and underwear. But I usually had her use the bathroom before we left the house and again once we arrived at our destination.
5. Watch and Learn
Let your toddler watch you do it. Announce when you have to go to the bathroom, to help reinforce the idea. Let her think it is cool for "Big Girls" to use the potty. Diapers and Pull-Ups are for babies,"Big Girls Use the Potty." Also, stay in the bathroom with your child when they use the potty to monitor their progress.
6. Spread the Word
I told everybody that my daughter is doing a great job potty training, even if she had an accident that same day. It really boosted her self confidence. I would tell my husband,and make a huge deal about it. "Sarah Pooped Today!!! Good Job!!! You Are A Big Girl!!!" Everybody clapped and congratulated my daughter.
My daughter is now officially potty trained. She started to get the concept of when she had to use the bathroom. I still remind her, but for the most part, she will run into the bathroom on her own. Potty training your child doesn't have to be a negative experience. It can be a positive, learning experience for both you and your child.
The above can also help your child in potty training but it will be easier to learn if you watch an instructional video toilet training your child and complete guide guaranteed in 3 days your child will be successful defecate in the toilet. Click here to message this offer now
Why are girls ready for toilet training earlier than boys are? Why are girls more prone to accidents? How do I know if my daughter is ready? From the authors of Potty Training Boys the Easy Way, this guide provides a clear,
Step-by-step plan for potty training girls, including strategies for making potty-time fun, parenting differently for different personalities, and handling specific situations, such as what to do when there is no toilet nearby and ways to stay dry throughout the night. Practical and reassuring, Potty Training Girls the Easy Way will give your family the confidence to successfully achieve this important milestone.
This will even work within 3 days or as long as 1 week. This is an important step and simple for toilet training your child, see the vidoe below will clarify how in small steps will lead to success in potty training your a boys or your a girls
Around the age of 22-24 months, a toddler will exhibit signs of readiness. Conscious pause in play to poop, whining to be changed when wet or poopy are some of these signs. Also, having the verbal ability to communicate the act (a simple "pee-pee and poo-poo will suffice) is important. Make an effort to determine how long the toddler stays dry on any given day. This means checking every hour for wetness. When the toddler can "hold it" for at least an hour, preferably two, he or she is ready for the next phase.
Doo As I Doo
It may sound strange, but kids learn from example! About a week or two before starting the final phase, make a scene when you go potty. Don't worry, the child will not know you look foolish. Standing outside the bathroom door, grab the front of your pants and put an apprehensive look on your face, and say something along the lines of "oh, no! pee-pee!" and dash into the bathroom. I guarantee the toddler will follow out of sheer curiosity and to see what the heck your problem is. If you aren't comfortable doing the deed in front of the child, pretend. Perform that act once or twice a day. Within a week or two, you are ready to proceed.
Hint: If there are older, potty-trained children around, the toddler will almost likely want to know what on earth is going on in the bathroom, and often will pick up clues by watching them instead.
Pick up a potty chair with the child. A simple potty chair is best. No fancy gadgets with bells, lights and sound effects. No toilet paper holder. No book rack. Just. A. Potty. Chair
Seven Step Program, Part One
As in, seven days. Pick one week where you can give the child your completely undivided attention! In the days before the week commences, take the child shopping, and pick out "big boy" or "big girl" underwear. These should be the 100% cloth training pants that are basically underwear, with an extra thick padding in the middle. Not pull-ups, not plastic-lining-on-the-outside underwear. If the kid feels like he or she is wearing a diaper, guess what? They will treat it like a diaper.
At bedtime the night before the week-long training begins, remind the child that tomorrow he or she will be a big kid and will wear undies! YAY!
The Hard Part
When the child wakes in the morning, make a big deal about how they are such a big kid! Remove the diaper, clean as usual, and then put the new training pants on the child. And that is all the child should have from the waist down! This gives the kids a chance to feel when they have wet or pooped. (I have done this method in EVERY season, they never freeze to death, I promise)
Throughout the day, offer the child dry snacks (to increase thirst just a little) and follow up with plenty of drinks, milk, juices, water, whatever the child will drink. This helps the child actually feel the bladder fill, and eventually correlate the act of drinking and peeing. Every hour, take the child to the potty chair, help them pull the underwear down, and help them sit. Encourage them to pee, using extremely simple language. "Time for pee-pee"! etc, using facial expressions of effort (yes, the grunt face). Wait a few minutes. It won't happen immediately, and most likely, it won't happen at all in the potty the first two days. After about five minutes, consider it a good effort no matter what happens. Offer praise (good try!).
The first two days, the child will wet themselves every single time. It's just how it is.
You aren't doing anything wrong. It has to "click" for the kid. You will be very frustrated, but persevere. Backtracking to diapers during the day is confusing. When an accident happens, feel free to look disappointed. Phrases I have used: "aw man! an accident!" and even "ew, stinky poo!" It's not making a child "feel ashamed of bodily functions". It's making the child aware that big people don't walk around pooping and peeing on ourselves and sitting in it.
At nap time, place a folded old towel under the child, or have some other absorbent but unobtrusive padding under the lower half of the toddler.As soon as he or she wakes, excitedly take them to the potty if they are dry. If they are wet, it's ok to be disappointed and say "aw, you had an accident!" in a sad voice. They can "help" clean up, and when all is right again, say "good job!" and give great big hugs.
At night, continue the bedtime routine, but insert a potty chair trip just before the last bedtime diaper is put on.
Figuring It Out
The third and fourth days, continue the same steps as the first days, offering snacks, and fluids, but you will notice that the child will pee about 50% of the time in the potty and most likely will have a poop on the potty. Continue to watch clues! When you see the child grunting or pausing in play, especially if he or she is fairly regular like most kids are, say "poo-poo?!?!" and hold their hand, and dash to the potty. Even if they don't make it, they form the opinion that this poo-making business is serious, and therefore must be paid attention to. When they have a poo-accident, make sure they watch you dump the poop into the toilet, have them wave bye-bye to it, and holding their hand for reassurance, flush it. Some kids get nervous with the flush. But most kids have seen/heard it plenty by now, just from following you into the bathroom oh so many times.
Fine Tuning
The fifth, sixth and seventh days are the fine tuning days. The child now gets the concept, and is working to perfect this new skill. You can now return to the regularly scheduled snacks and drinks. Do continue to ask the child every hour if the potty is needed, just as a reminder, especially when the child is concentrating hard at building a tower or some other fun task.
On the seventh day, take the brave step of a trip outside the house. Pack a change of bottoms. Pee before you leave, if possible. Ask every hour if the potty is needed. And don't take more than an hour and a half before going back home. This is almost like a test. The child sees that "Wow! People leave the house like this?!"
As for giving up the night-time diaper, wait until the child goes for at least 2 weeks without a single night-time accident before you let them sleep in their undies.
Don't forget to do the happy dance when there is success in the potty, no matter how minute. The child will make a grand effort just to see you do that again.
Good luck, and happy trails.
Your child must be both physically and emotionally ready for potty training. Most children are ready when they are between 22 and 30 months of age, although every child is different. Toilet training usually becomes a long and frustrating process if you try to start it before your child is ready.
Before children can use the toilet, they must be able to control their bowel and bladder muscles. Some signs of this control are having bowel movements around the same time each day, not having bowel movements at night, and having a dry diaper after a nap or for at least 2 hours at a time. Children must also be able to climb, talk, remove clothing, and have mastered other basic motor skills before they can use the toilet by themselves.
Most children are physically ready to potty train before they are emotionally ready. Your child must want to use the toilet and be willing to cooperate with you. He or she may even talk about being a "big boy" or "big girl" and wearing underpants rather than diapers. Training generally does not go well if your child is in the stage where "no" is his or her automatic response to every request.
How long does it take to toilet train?
A child is considered toilet-trained when he or she knows that it is time to go to the bathroom and is able to climb onto and use the toilet with little help. In a study of children who started training between 22 and 30 months of age, boys were fully trained at an average age of 38 months, while girls were trained slightly earlier, around 36 months.1
Your child will likely need help with wiping after a bowel movement until age 4 or 5. He or she may also need extra help in unfamiliar bathrooms, such as public restrooms, until about age 5 or 6.
What if my child resists?
If your child resists using the toilet, he or she probably isn't ready. Sometimes toilet training disruptions or delays are caused by stress or major changes in routine. Also, a child who is doing well with toilet training may suddenly have difficulty for no obvious reason. This is a normal part of toilet training. It is best to start or resume toilet training when your child is receptive to it and in a stable environment.
Your child's toilet training experience should be positive. If it becomes a struggle or a battle of wills, it is best to ease up or stop for a while. Although you may be ready for toilet training, your child may not be.
That’s my last baby when she had just turned two. She turns three this week. It’s amazing how quickly the time has passed. About six month ago, she kissed diapers goodbye, and I entered a new phase of parenting. Oh my.
Potty training can seem daunting, particularly when you’re in the midst of it. There were days with each child when I thought he or she would never get it.
Yet, lo and behold, after 14 years of diapering, all six of my kids know how to take care of business. Hallelujah!
Ten Days or Less?
I’m not really going to sell you a get-rich quick scheme, the Brooklyn Bridge, or a fail-proof strategy for potty training. But, I am thankful for the moms who went before me and shared their experiences. So, now I’m passing mine on to you.
With our guinea pig first born child, I took the slow road, buying a potty seat when he was just two, and slowly over the following twelve months worked with him until it clicked. It took a year, and he was fine. So was I. But, it was a hard year with lots of “one step forward, two steps back” kind of progress.
When our second child was two, we had just welcomed our third baby and wanted him to be able to adjust to that change first. He was always a sensitive kid, and while he was advanced in some areas, we didn’t want to rush the emotional stuff. As he approached his third birthday, we moved cross-country. And again, we didn’t want to put him through multiple transitions at once. Plus, I was pregnant with baby #4!
A couple months after our move, a friend mentioned that they had potty trained that weekend.
That weekend?
My ears perked up. She explained that they did potty training in a day. Say what? She shared the book that helped them get their kids potty independent in a short amount of time. I promptly read the book. While I can’t recommend the book based on some of the parenting techniques described, I will say that the idea of intensive potty training has worked.
Our subsequent five kids have all potty trained in ten days or less. One was dry 24/7 by the end of the 2nd day. Another took a full ten days to get the hang of it. The others fell somewhere in between. Just when I was ready to throw up my hands, the child got it.
Is there a magic formula? Is there a trick? Will it work for all kinds? I dunno.
I’m just a mom. I have no degree in child psychology. And I am sure that there will be plenty of people to disagree with my methods. But, I know that this worked for us. As always, your mileage may vary.
Here are the basics that we’ve used to successfully potty train our children:
1. Know your child.
This is probably the most important part of parenting in general, but it specifically applies to potty training and making this step, one of many, from babyhood to big kid. You are the one to know your child and his temperaments. Does he take well to new adventures? Or does he need to be coaxed? Does she have an independent spirit? Or is she willing to go with the flow?
Go with your child’s strengths. Talk up the adventure in such a way that he or she is intrigued and excited. Books help do this. Dora’s Potty Book was a big hit last year. It comes complete with a flushing sound. Oh yes, yes, it does.
2. Make sure he or she is ready.
The internet is rife with potty training readiness quizzes that seem quite complicated. I looked for three basic things: overnight dryness, ability to dress one self, and an awareness of when the diaper was getting filled. Remember, I’m no expert. But, these were the things that I looked for. I think they will vary from kid to kid. Waking up wet does not mean that a kid isn’t ready to be trained. But, in our experience it was a good sign to wait a little longer.
Personally, I didn’t even consider it with my younger boys until they were very close to three, or past it. The girls seemed ready at about 2 1/2. But, age is a misleading factor. Many people have a strict age guideline. I say go to steps 1 and 2 again.
3. Make sure YOU are ready.
You need to be able to move this new experience to priority level which means being willing to adjust your schedule — and maybe your attitude — to be prepared for more frequent potty breaks, accidents, and repeated instruction.
Once you decide to go for it, go for it. Rip off the band-aid. Cut the cord. Don’t hem and haw. Once you know that your child is ready, then proceed. If you’re not sure he’s ready, then wait. Why frustrate both of you with half-hearted efforts? You don’t want to confuse, you want to teach.
4. Demonstrate.
The “potty training in a day” crowd suggests to demonstrate with a doll that wets. We have simply made sure that our toddlers got a chance to see siblings or the parent of the same sex demonstrate how it all works. Once the kid knows the routine, it’s a matter of practice. Often.
5. Offer intense practice over several days time.
Spend the day focused on potty practice. Offer lots of snacks and drinks. Lots. And every twenty minutes check for dryness.
This was the epiphany for me: dryness is the goal. Going in the toilet is a complimentary facet, but dryness is the goal. Reward, praise, and cheer for dryness. Check for dryness often. And then offer more treats.
Help your child make the connection between going in the potty and staying dry.
The more your child can practice, the better he or she will be at listening to body cues and getting to the toilet.
(On a practical level, we preferred to use toilet inserts rather than separate potty chairs. This is less for you to clean and makes a later transition to the toilet unnecessary.)
6. Praise often.
Make a really big deal about it. Talk it up with friends, neighbors, and relatives. Buy the Dora chones. Make this an occasion to celebrate. It’s perfectly fine to offer small treats, stickers, or toys as encouragement for a job well done.
Just be prepared for your kid to ask for a “poo poo treat” in front of company.
7. Be patient.
Accidents will happen. Your child will try to wipe himself before he’s ready — and use a whole roll of toilet paper. There will be messes.
Be ready to be patient. Be willing to clean things up with a good attitude. Your child is at a tender age and going through a big transition. Make this moment be one of learning and be okay with mistakes.
With proper roles assigned to each person. You can lead a baby to the bathroom, but you can't make him go.
You have not failed Parenting 101 if your baby is the last on the block to be dry.
As with eating and sleeping, you can't and shouldn't force a baby to be dry or clean, but you can set the conditions that help baby train himself.
The bottom line is helping your baby achieve a healthy toilet- training attitude
Approach toilet-training as an exciting interaction rather than a dreaded task; consider this event an initiation into your role as instructor. From baby's viewpoint, toileting is his initiation into "bigness"-a rite of passage from toddlerhood into preschoolerhood. (This explains why the desire to stay little makes some procrastinators resist.)
Toilet-training is a complex skill
Before you rush baby to the potty at the first squat, consider what's involved in learning toileting skills. First, baby has to be aware of the pressure sensations of his bowel and bladder. Then he must make the connection between these sensations and what's happening inside his body. Next he learns to respond to these urges by running to the potty, where he must know how to remove his clothes, how to situate himself comfortably on this new kind of seat and how to hold his urges until all systems are go. With all these steps, it's no wonder many babies are still in diapers well into the third year.
The muscles surrounding the opening of the bladder and bowel
(I call them doughnut muscles when explaining the elimination process to six-year- old bed wetters) need to be controlled to open and close at the proper time. Bowel training usually precedes bladder training, mainly because the doughnut muscles surrounding the bowel are not as impatient as those around the bladder. When a baby senses the urge to defecate, he has more time to respond before soiling his diapers. A solid substance is easier to control than liquid. When the bladder is full, the urge to go is sudden, strong, and hard to control.
The usual sequence of gaining bowel and bladder control
This observation reflects more the sex of the trainer than the trainee. Culturally, toilet-training has been left to mothers; naturally, women feel more comfortable training girls, and baby girls are more likely to imitate their mommies. Picture mommy standing and trying to show baby Bert how to urinate. By imitation, babies learn that girls sit and boys stand, but in the beginning boys can sit, avoiding sprays and dribbles on walls and floor. When your son figures out he can stand just like daddy, he will.
The pressure is off parents to toilet train early
Don't equate toilet-training with good mothering. The idea that the earlier baby is eating three squares a day, weaned, toilet trained, and independent, the "better" the mother is nonsense.
We do not mean to imply that you lazily leave baby alone until he is old enough to order his own potty-chair
Some training is necessary on the parents' part, and some learning is needed by the baby. Children need parental guidance to get control of their bodies.
The temperament of the mother and baby play a role in readiness, too.
A down-to-business baby tends to learn quickly and may even "train himself," especially if he has a mother who thinks the same way, but who is wise enough not to pressure. A laid-back baby with a casual mother may still be in diapers at three years and no one worries. With a laid-back baby and a down-to- business, mother toilet-training gets more challenging.
Take the pressure off you and baby
Don't cave in to in-law pressure. You know when your infant is ready. Of course, the "diaper-free" policy at your desired preschool looms over you like a due date.
Diaper company market research shows that toddlers are being toilet trained later than in the past
and to go along with this trend diaper companies are making bigger and better diapers. Children learn to use the toilet the same way they learn to walk and talk: by imitating their caregivers- and when the appropriate nerves and muscles are mature enough to be coordinated. For these reasons, the time of training will vary from home to home and child to child.
Toilet-training is so difficult for parents and a battle for toddlers because:
The infant was encouraged to use the diaper as a toilet, so the toddler has to unlearn what he has previously been taught.
The child has not yet developed body language to make the connection between feeling and going, since prior to toilet-training, parents were not looking for these cues and the baby did not give them.
Toddlers, especially boys, are on the go and the last thing they want to do is "sit still" on the potty.
Tired of the seemingly endless cycle of changing diapers? Think your child might be ready to move on to toilet training? It’s a big step for everyone involved—and it can take a while for some children. But be patient and celebrate each milestone along the way. Soon, you’ll be able to say good-bye to diapers—for good.
Although most children are toilet trained when they’re 3 or 4 years old, there is no exactly right time to begin toilet training; you should start when your child is ready.
So how do I know when my child is ready?
We’re glad you asked. At Children’s Hospital Boston, we’ve got answers for you.
The following signs may indicate that your child is ready to begin toilet training girls.
Your child should be able to:
walk well in order to get to the potty chair
tell you when he needs to go to the potty
control the muscles used for going to the potty
Your child might be ready if he:
asks to have his diaper changed or tells you a bowel movement or urine is forthcoming
shows discomfort when the diaper is wet or dirty
enjoys copying what parents or older children do
follows you into the bathroom and see how the toilet is used
wants to do things (like going to the potty) to make parents happy or to get praise
has dry diapers for at least two hours during the day or is dry after naps or overnight
Keep in mind that the process of toilet training is different for different kids. Some children get it in a day or two; for others, it can take months. For the reasons why — and some helpful tips — read on.
How Children’s Hospital Boston approaches toilet training?
Some kids do have more trouble than others with toilet training. If your child has a medical condition that’s making it harder for her to master toilet training, we can help.
We usually see children and their parents individually at first and most children quickly master using the toilet without anxiety. For those who continue to have trouble, we have developed Potty Train in Three Days, an educational program for both parents and children to help them with difficult toilet training:
Hi I margareth. cases of toilet training children is very stressful and makes me angry. My daughter is 3 years old and acting very naughty, pee on the couch, at the dinner table, in the living room, in the bedroom. This makes me really angry.
I came to google to solve my problem. I found the potty training program for 3 days faster than dr, Lois Kleint. The first I do not care!
but after week I am keen to follow the method suggested. I try step by step for 3 days or less I managed to beat my child behavior.
Thanks dr.Lois. whoever you follow him and assured method will be successful toilet training your child for 3 days or less. Potty Train in Three Days
Recommend Potty Seat
This is one of the potty training seat for baby girls that fits best with a pleasant musical tones your child. Learn More