
Potty training girls and boys tips

Friday, August 30, 2013

potty training girls
How to potty training a girl and how to potty training a boy. be one thing to make your mother like headache and stress. but reading the potty training tips will give you the help you solve the problem. read on potty training girls and potty training boys.

It may seem impossible right now, but your toddler will eventually do her business in the toilet instead of in her diaper. Sure, it takes some toddlers longer than others to master the potty, but they all eventually do really. The key (as with many toddler trials) is patience; it’s also wise to wait until your child is truly ready to get started and to take potty training setbacks in stride. Remember, if you keep potty learning low-key, it will go more smoothly for everyone involved.

Whether you’re training a boy or a girl, these tips apply :
  • Get equipped : You’ve got two choices: a separate, low-to-the-ground potty chair or an insert that fits on the big toilet seat to make it small enough for little bottoms (if you go this route, you’ll also need a step stool). If possible, check out both options together and see what your toddler prefers (buying both won’t break the bank, either). Also stock up on liquid soap (for washing little hands), cleansing wipes (the flushable kind for behinds, and the kind for floors and fixtures) small rewards (such as stickers or dollar-store trinkets), and pull-on, disposable training pants or thick, absorbent cloth undies.

  • Get naked : Not you — your toddler. If possible, allow your toddler to spend some time diaper-free, either in your backyard, or inside (in a space with easily cleaned floors!). When she must be dressed, keep her in easy on/off pants or skirts with elastic waistbands (there’s no time to fuss with buttons or zippers when she’s really gotta go!).

  • Get reading : Buy or borrow books and dvds about potty training to share with your toddler. Most are available in both boy and girl versions. What to Expect When You Go to the Potty is a good choice.

Potty Training Boys

Boys tend to have a tougher time with the toilet. For one thing, it’s probably Mommy, not Daddy, who’s doing most of the coaching, so there’s little opportunity to actually show him how it’s done. Plus, boys need to master both sitting and standing to do their business. These tips should help your son catch on, though a male role model is a definite plus.
  • Start with sitting : Have him sit down for both peeing and pooping at first. For now, it’s tough enough just getting to the potty in time without having to decide whether to sit or stand. Plus, since one bathroom visit might produce both, er, outputs, it’s easier if your son stays in one spot for the whole shebang. Once he’s really got the hang of things, he can stand “just like Daddy.”

  • Point in the right direction : Whether he’s standing or sitting, show your son how to aim (you might give your hubby a refresher course, too). He needs to point his penis down into the toilet to make sure the pee goes where it needs to go. If/when he stands to pee, you can do target practice by floating O-shaped cereal, bits of toilet paper, or drops of food coloring in the toilet bowl and challenging him to go for a bull’s-eye.

  • Teach ups and downs : Now’s the time to teach your son some basic potty etiquette. If he’s standing up to pee, show him how to raise the seat (all the way, so it won’t fall down on him midstream) and then lower it again when he’s finished. (Here’s another lesson that Daddy may need to brush up on!) And don’t forget to flush!

Potty Training Girls

With their seated-only style, it’s a little easier to train toddler girls. You can follow the general tips above, and don’t forget to lavish on the praise and positive reinforcement. The only girl-specific advice you need: Teach your daughter to wipe front to back to avoid spreading bacteria. If this is too tricky for now, you can have her pat dry instead.

But you have the best choice of toilet training, you can try a quick method of toilet training for 3 days or less by a special expert; toilet training children Lois Kleint. This guaranteed and proven to work effectively for three days or less. Potty Train in Three Days

Potty Training Girls Helpfull Tips

Monday, August 19, 2013

potty training
Tired of the seemingly endless cycle of changing diapers? Think your child might be ready to move on to toilet training? It’s a big step for everyone involved—and it can take a while for some children. But be patient and celebrate each milestone along the way. Soon, you’ll be able to say good-bye to diapers—for good.

Although most children are toilet trained when they’re 3 or 4 years old, there is no exactly right time to begin toilet training; you should start when your child is ready.

When to start potty training ?

So how do I know when my child is ready?

We’re glad you asked. At Children’s Hospital Boston, we’ve got answers for you.

The following signs may indicate that your child is ready to begin toilet training.

Your child should be able to :
  • walk well in order to get to the potty chair
  • tell you when he needs to go to the potty
  • control the muscles used for going to the potty
Your child might be ready if he :
  • asks to have his diaper changed or tells you a bowel movement or urine is forthcoming
  • shows discomfort when the diaper is wet or dirty
  • enjoys copying what parents or older children do
  • follows you into the bathroom and see how the toilet is used
  • wants to do things (like going to the potty) to make parents happy or to get praise
  • has dry diapers for at least two hours during the day or is dry after naps or overnight
Keep in mind that the process of toilet training is different for different kids. Some children get it in a day or two; for others, it can take months. For the reasons why — and some helpful tips.

How Children’s Hospital Boston approaches toilet training?

Some kids do have more trouble than others with toilet training. If your child has a medical condition that’s making it harder for her to master toilet training, we can help.

We usually see children and their parents individually at first and most children quickly master using the toilet without anxiety. For those who continue to have trouble, we have developed Toilet School, an educational program for both parents and children to help them with difficult toilet training :
  • It’s a six-week program in which six kids — mostly 4-, 5- and 6-year-olds — come to class once a week for an hour to an hour and a half.
  • Parents attend a separate class where they learn behavioral techniques designed to help their children master toilet use.
  • By graduation time in the sixth week, about 60 percent of the kids have successfully had a bowel movement on the toilet. The ones who haven’t get follow-up visits until they’re successful.

If you want to decide quickly program toilet training children for 3 days or less and have a very fast likely to succeed, you can just come in and buy a guide book of expert special toilet training your child in the city.

Some parents have to figure out how fast your child for toilet training, toilet training children for 3 days will give you more insight into the program and follow every guide greatly accelerate the process of toilet training your child.

Potty Training Girls - When To Start Potty Training ?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Night Time Toliet Training for Boys and Girls

potty training girls
The development of bladder control in childhood is one of the major milestones we undergo in human development. You truly are a “big” girl or boy when you are finally out of nappies and dry throughout the night. For many children though, this process takes time and it is not the same for everyone.

A child usually masters daytime toileting before they can keep their bed dry at night. Don’t be concerned if your toddler wets the bed, because most children under the age of five years still urinate in their sleep, and one in 10 younger primary school children do too.

Don’t assume that your child can keep their bed dry just because they can manage their toileting when they are awake. It might help to think of staying dry at night as completely separate to daytime toilet use.

Children gradually learn to recognise the sensation of a full bladder and begin to hold on until a toilet or potty is found. Most children have gained daytime control by the age of 3 years; night time control takes a little longer - girls often achieve this earlier than boys. It is quite normal for children as old as 4 years to be still wetting the bed – and accidents may occur from time to time for a number of years.

So when is the right time to start night potty training?

There really is no fixed time or date that can be applied. It is up to you the parent, guided by the child’s stage of development, and their willingness to participate in the process, to tackle the issue.

Guidelines for night time potty training are mentioned below :

If your children are between three and four years of age and have been dry during the day for a few months, you could find out whether they would like to come out of nappies at night. Many children provide clues by mentioning their wet nappies or wet beds for that matter, which gives you the opportunity to introduce the topic and can be a great way of making it something that they want to do, rather than something they have to do. Your child may already be at the stage where they attempt to go to the toilet during the night or call out for your help.

If they are interested, before bed put them in ordinary underwear or pyjamas, let them go to the toilet right before it is time for bed. Once they are in bed give clear instructions about going to the toilet, if they wake up and feel the need to wee. Leave a night light on (so they can feel safe and can see where they are going) and give plenty of goodnight hugs and kisses and encouragement. If the toilet is far away from the bedroom (i.e. down stairs or at the end of a long passageway) you may prefer to leave a potty beside the bed. Most important don’t forget to leave the bathroom light on! Let them know that it is also all right for them to come and wake you to take them to the toilet if they feel safer doing that and if they can hang on that long.

To begin with you might consider extra bedding protection, such as mattress protectors, Brolly Sheets and a washable duvet/doona protector. Give plenty of encouragement, even if the number of dry nights is few. The speed at which children achieve night time dryness does vary, often starting with one or two dry nights a week and building up slowly over a number of months.

However, if your child is wet every night for 2-3 weeks (or any period that causes laundry problems or other difficulties), try not to show your disappointment. Your child is perhaps not yet ready to become dry. You might at this stage wish to consider using absorbent night-time padded pants rather than reverting to nappies - and try again in 3-4 months’ time.

Night time toilet training observations :
  • If your child wakes up every morning with a wet nappy, they’re not ready. If you take them out of night time nappies, they will wet the bed.
  • Keep your child in night time nappies until most nappies are dry in the morning or until they are wet just before your child wakes. The nappy will be soaked and the urine warm.
  • Praise your child for small steps - such as going to the toilet without the need for prompting, drinking good levels of fluid during the day; telling you when they’ve wet - and of course for any dry nights.
  • Remember that it might take years for your child to reliably master night-time dryness.
  • If your child is becoming anxious or frustrated, forget about night-time toilet training for a while.
  • Try not to show your personal frustration during periods of bed wetting.
Some children take longer than others to master dry nights. In most instances we need to be patient and time will solve the problem. Most children grow out of bedwetting.

Approaches to avoid

Some approaches will only delay your attempts to help your child stay dry at night. Approaches to avoid include:
  • Don’t criticise, humiliate or belittle your child for being a ‘baby’. Night time bladder control is a process of maturation. All efforts, no matter how small, should be praised.

  • Don’t punish your child by making them stay in their wet sheets and pyjamas or getting them to wash the soiled bed linen. If your child is anxious, they are less likely to stay dry at night.

  • Don’t deprive your child of fluids in the evening. Make sure they drink plenty during the day so that they are not very thirsty in the evening.

  • Don’t talk about your child’s ‘problem’ to other people when the child is present, as this can make them feel ashamed and embarrassed.

Five years old and still not dry?

The vast majority of children who are not dry at night by the age of 5 years have nothing physically wrong with their urinary system. A small number may have a physical problem, such as an overactive bladder or a urine infection. If your child’s urine has a ‘fishy’ smell, if he or she has difficulty or pain in passing water, is constantly thirsty or is frequently wet during the day as well as the night, it is best to consult your GP.

Young children (5-7yr) may not yet have learnt to hold on or to recognize when they feel the full bladder sensation. They still need to develop bladder control.

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Potty Training Girls Practical Tips
Potty Training girls Quick Fact
Potty Training Girls in 3 Days Fast Video
Potty Training 11 Great Book
Best potty training books and videos

Potty Training Girls Practical Tips

Saturday, August 3, 2013

potty training girls
Does the very mention of potty training fill you with dread? Have you tried and failed to potty train your child, leaving you reluctant to try again? Carol Cline a expert specialist potty training for your toddler or girl has years of practice at helping kids come to grips with it all.

Potty training Girl practical tips from our expert

Getting started potty train

Make sure you’re ready starter : Don’t even try to potty train when you’re moving house, expecting a new baby or there’s some other stressful event in your lives. Wait until things settle down so you can both cope with the inevitable mistakes.

Make sure she’s ready strater potty training : If she’s starting to notice when his nappy is wet or dirty, or if she tells you when he’s about to do a wee or a poo, then she’s ready. The transition from nappies to pants will be much smoother if you react to her awareness, rather than let her age dictate. Some children potty train in days, others in weeks. It’s crucial that you remain calm throughout, even if it means slipping a pair of trainer pants on.

Go for it

Pick a couple of weeks when you’re staying close to home, and make sure you let everyone who looks after your child know your plans.

  • Introduce the potty well before training starts. Have the potty in the bathroom from birth so the potty has already become a familiar item, and let her sit on it with a nappy on before potty training starts.

  • Encourage your child to let her toys have a go on the potty. If she has a doll who wears a nappy, let your child teach the doll how to go to the toilet using the potty.

  • Let her pick out some knickers to buy and make a big deal of her becoming a big girl.

  • There are plenty of books out there to prime your child for the big day – check out our recommendations below.

  • In the beginning, ask your child about every 40 minutes if they need a wee, and remember to pack at least one change of clothes to get her into something dry right away.

  • Don’t make your child sit on the potty for more than a few moments; if your child wants to get up even after not doing a ‘wee’, allow this and praise her just for trying.

  • When the first ‘wee’ is done use lots of praise – ask around and most families had a potty dance or song to motivate their kids!

  • A reward or star chart could really help enforce this new routine. Products such as Start Potty Train in Three Days By Lois Kleint can really help as an added bonus - every child will love it, and it also gives that extra bit of encouragement for continuous potty use.

Related Articles :
Potty Training girls Quick Fact
Potty Training 11 Great Book
Potty Training Girls in 3 Days Fast Video
Potty Training Girls 14 Tips Before Start
Potty Training Girls Or Boy What's the Difference?

About me

how to potty train a girlHi I margareth. cases of toilet training children is very stressful and makes me angry. My daughter is 3 years old and acting very naughty, pee on the couch, at the dinner table, in the living room, in the bedroom. This makes me really angry.

I came to google to solve my problem. I found the potty training program for 3 days faster than dr, Lois Kleint. The first I do not care! but after week I am keen to follow the method suggested. I try step by step for 3 days or less I managed to beat my child behavior.

Thanks dr.Lois. whoever you follow him and assured method will be successful toilet training your child for 3 days or less. Potty Train in Three Days

Recommend Potty Seat

This is one of the potty training seat for baby girls that fits best with a pleasant musical tones your child. Learn More